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The River Calder Restoration Project

    This project was supported by the NatureScot Biodiversity Challenge Fund, SEPA and the Woodland Trust.

    The River Calder, an upland tributary of the Spey, is undergoing a transformation. An ambitious, landscape scale project to restore the river and re-wood the riparian zone was delivered in 2020 and 2021. The Calder is a large upland tributary of the River Spey, typical of many of the headwaters in the upper catchment, and the project was a response to increasing concern about its ecological health, especially the low numbers of juvenile salmon and trout.

    The first phase addressed the relatively uniform habitat in the river channel which lacked the diversity of gravel deposits, pools, riffles and refuge areas needed to support a thriving freshwater ecosytem. The aim was to install Large Woody Structures (LWS) to mimic natural dead wood in the channel to restore natural processes and encourage a more diverse physical structure in the channel. The second phase was creation of up to 15 hectares of riparian woodland along 3.5 km of the Calder which was largely bare of trees, to establish riparian woodland ensuring not only a future supply of dead wood into the river, but also shading to control rising water temperature and slowing flows into the river to help reduce flood risk downstream.

    This project is an example of using integrated nature-based solutions to future-proof against the impacts of climate change while significantly expanding and improving habitat for aquatic and terrestrial species. The project was planned and delivered with the full support of the landowner Pitmain and Glenbanchor Estates, and this ensured that impact on estate activities such as farming and stalking was kept to a minimum.

    As our summers continue to get hotter, more woodland along our river banks is going to be essential to safeguard threatened species which are susceptible to heat stress and even heat-induced mortality, such as Atlantic salmon and trout. The shade provided by the new woodland will help to regulate water temperature, and bankside trees along with deadwood in the river will create cooler refuge areas for fish to escape to in peak temperature conditions.

    Woodland can act as a sponge during heavy rainfall, holding water for longer in this upland glen and smoothing out peak flows. This contributes to reducing the risk of flooding downstream, protecting land and communities along the Spey.

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